“The event was just perfect, a really clever mix of reading, writing tips, audience participation and humour. I loved it and so did everyone there!”

If you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “hey, I wonder if Matt would come to my school/library/book festival?” then you are in the right place.
Getting out and about, doing workshops in schools, answering questions at festivals, and reading out bits of my stories to anyone who will listen are some of my very favourite things to do.
Over the last few years I have appeared at some amazing book festivals and been invited into hundreds of schools and libraries.
If you would like to chat about dates or find out more about costs, then please contact Naomi Cooper at Authors Aloud at the email address below:
“Matt Brown’s Compton Valance event at Hay went down a storm with adults and children alike. In a hIgh-energy and fun-filled session he also shared some great creative writing tips for budding authors”

“I can’t recommend a visit from Matt Brown enough. He was absolutely fantastic and it was clear from discussions afterwards how inspired the children were to read his book -including reluctant readers. Some children even talked about becoming authors themselves!”
“Matt completely wowed the children with his wonderful insights into being a writer. The children were really inspired and thought Compton Valance was awesome!”